Photobooth Academy Volume Six Released
The PBSCO team is back again with another photo-nominal installment of Photobooth Academy.
Now, we know what you’re saying – “what happened to summer break?”
These summer classes are going to help you skip a grade and move past the competition - and you can take them from the comfort of your backyard hammock.
What’s on the syllabus?
Volume six focuses on expanding your workforce and freeing you of running the booth yourself. More time, less work, and increasing success? Sign us up!
We’ll walk you through:
- Writing attractive and informative job descriptions
- Developing and running efficient interviews
- Designing comprehensive training processes
- Crafting resourceful employee manuals
If you’re ready to start staffing double-bookings or freeing time for yourself, get into class to build your dream team.
It doesn’t stop there.
Quick - give yourself a 1 - 10 ranking of prepared you feel for, well, everything.
One overlooked aspect of running an event is preparation for when things go wrong. That’s why we want to give you an inside scoop on what to pack in your backup kit.
If you’re a Salsa Pro subscriber, hop into the Academy now.
Not a Salsa app subscriber? Sign up for a Salsa app account and begin a free 30 day trial! With your subscription, you also get access to all of Photobooth Academy of these features:
- Portfolio
- Digital Masks
- AirPrint
- Advanced Analytics
- Custom Live Gallery Subdomains
- Green Screens
- And more!